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Text File  |  1989-12-31  |  61KB  |  5,397 lines

  1. A-bomb
  2. ab,a,lo,ne
  3. a,base,ment
  4. a,bat,ing
  5. ab,bess
  6. ab,bre,vi,at,ed
  7. ab,do,men
  8. ab,duc,tor
  9. a,bet,ted
  10. ab,horred
  11. a,bide
  12. ab,jec,tion
  13. ab,la,tive
  14. ab,lu,tion
  15. ab,nor,mal
  16. a,bode
  17. a,bom,i,na,ble
  18. ab,o,rig,i,nal
  19. a,bor,tive
  20. ab,ra,ca,dab,ra
  21. a,bra,sion
  22. a,bridg,ing
  23. ab,ro,gat,ed
  24. a,brupt
  25. ab,scond,ed
  26. ab,sen,tee
  27. ab,so,lu,tion
  28. ab,solved
  29. ab,sorb,ent
  30. ab,stained
  31. ab,sten,tious
  32. ab,stract,ed
  33. ab,struse,ly
  34. a,bun,dant
  35. a,but,ment
  36. a,bys,mal
  37. ac,a,dem,ic
  38. A,ca,di,a
  39. ac,cel,er,ate
  40. ac,cen,tu,ate
  41. ac,cept,a,ble
  42. ac,ces,sa,ry
  43. ac,ces,so,ry
  44. ac,claim,ing
  45. ac,cli,ma,ti,za,tion
  46. ac,com,mo,date
  47. ac,com,pa,nied
  48. ac,com,plice
  49. ac,cord,ance
  50. ac,cor,di,on,ist
  51. ac,count,a,ble
  52. ac,cou,ter,ment
  53. ac,crue
  54. ac,cu,mu,la,tion
  55. ac,cu,sa,tion
  56. ac,cused
  57. a,cer,bi,ty
  58. a,cet,y,lene
  59. a,chieve
  60. A,chil,les
  61. a,cid,i,fi,ca,tion
  62. a,cid,u,late
  63. ac,knowl,edg,ment
  64. a,cous,ti,cal,ly
  65. ac,qui,es,cence
  66. ac,quir,er
  67. ac,quit,tal
  68. ac,rid
  69. ac,ri,mo,ny
  70. a,cross
  71. ac,tion,a,ble
  72. ac,tiv,i,ty
  73. ac,tu,al,i,ty
  74. ac,tu,ate
  75. a,cu,men
  76. ad,a,mant
  77. a,dapt,a,ble
  78. ad,der
  79. ad,di,tion,al
  80. ad,dress,ee
  81. ad,duc,ing
  82. ad,e,noi,dal
  83. ad,e,quate
  84. ad,her,ent
  85. a,dieu
  86. ad,ja,cent
  87. ad,journed
  88. ad,ju,di,cate
  89. ad,junct
  90. ad,just
  91. ad,ju,tant
  92. ad,min,is,tra,tion
  93. ad,mi,ral
  94. ad,mir,er
  95. ad,mis,sion
  96. ad,mix,ture
  97. ad,mon,i,to,ry
  98. a,dopt
  99. ad,o,ra,tion
  100. a,dorning
  101. a,drift
  102. ad,sorb,ent
  103. ad,u,la,to,ry
  104. a,dul,ter,a,tor
  105. a,dul,ter,y
  106. ad,vanced
  107. ad,van,ta,geous
  108. ad,ven,ture
  109. ad,ver,bi,al
  110. ad,vert,ent
  111. ad,ver,tis,ing
  112. ad,vise
  113. ad,vis,or
  114. aer,ate
  115. aer,i,al,ist
  116. aer,o,plane
  117. aes,thet,ic
  118. af,fect
  119. af,fec,tion,ate
  120. af,fil,i,ate
  121. af,fir,ma,tion
  122. af,flict
  123. af,ford
  124. Af,ghan,i,stan
  125. a,fore,said
  126. Af,ri,ca
  127. af,ter,glow
  128. af,ter,ward
  129. a,ged
  130. ag,glu,ti,nate
  131. ag,gra,vat,ing
  132. ag,gre,gate,ly
  133. ag,gres,sive
  134. a,ghast
  135. ag,i,tate
  136. ag,nos,tic
  137. ag,o,niz,ing
  138. a,gree,a,bil,i,ty
  139. ag,ri,cul,tur,al
  140. a,ground
  141. ai,ler,on
  142. air-cool
  143. air,field
  144. air,line
  145. air,port
  146. air,tight
  147. Al,a,bam,a
  148. a,larm,ist
  149. al,ba,tross
  150. al,bu,men
  151. al,che,mist
  152. al,co,hol,ism
  153. a,lert,ly
  154. al,ge,bra
  155. a,li,as
  156. al,ien,a,ble
  157. a,lign,ment
  158. al,i,mo,ny
  159. al,ka,line
  160. all-a,round
  161. al,lege,a,ble
  162. al,leg,ing
  163. al,le,go,rize
  164. al,ler,gic
  165. al,ley
  166. al,li,ga,tor
  167. al,lo,cate
  168. al,lot,ted
  169. al,loy
  170. al,lure,ment
  171. al,lu,vi,al
  172. al,ma,nac
  173. a,lo,ha
  174. al,pha,bet,i,cal
  175. al,right
  176. al,ter,a,ble
  177. al,ter,nat,ed
  178. al,though
  179. al,tru,ism
  180. a,lum,na
  181. a,mal,gam,ate
  182. a,mass,ment
  183. a,mazed
  184. am,bas,sa,dor
  185. am,ber,gris
  186. am,bi,gu,i,ty
  187. am,biv,a,lent
  188. am,bro,sian
  189. am,bu,la,tion
  190. am,bush,ment
  191. a,mel,io,ra,ble
  192. a,me,na,bil,i,ty
  193. a,mend,ment
  194. A,mer,i,ca,na
  195. am,e,thyst
  196. am,i,ca,bil,i,ty
  197. a,mid,ships
  198. am,i,ty
  199. am,ne,sia
  200. a,mo,ral,i,ty
  201. a,mor,phous
  202. a,mount
  203. am,per,sand
  204. am,ple
  205. am,pli,fy,ing
  206. am,pu,tate
  207. a,mused
  208. a,nab,o,lism
  209. an,a,gram
  210. a,nal,o,gize
  211. a,nal,y,sis
  212. an,a,lyze
  213. an,ar,chism
  214. a,nath,e,ma,tize
  215. an,ces,tor
  216. an,cho,rite
  217. an,con
  218. an,ec,dote
  219. a,nem,o,ne
  220. an,es,thet,ic
  221. an,gel,ic
  222. an,gle
  223. An,gli,ci,za,tion
  224. An,glo-Sax,on
  225. an,gry
  226. an,gu,lar,i,ty
  227. a,nil,i,ty
  228. an,i,mal,cule
  229. an,i,mat,ed,ly
  230. an,i,mus
  231. an,klet
  232. An,nap,o,lis
  233. an,nex,a,ble
  234. an,ni,hi,la,tor
  235. an,no,ta,tion
  236. an,nounc,ing
  237. an,nu,al
  238. an,nul
  239. an,nul,ling
  240. an,nun,ci,a,tion
  241. a,noint
  242. a,nom,a,ly
  243. a,noph,e,les
  244. ant,ac,id
  245. an,tag,o,nize
  246. ant,eat,er
  247. an,te,date
  248. an,te,pe,nult
  249. an,ther
  250. an,thra,cite
  251. an,thro,pol,o,gist
  252. an,ti-Sem,i,tism
  253. An,ti,christ
  254. an,tic,i,pa,tive
  255. an,ti,dote
  256. an,ti,ma,cas,sar
  257. an,tip,a,thy
  258. an,ti,pode
  259. an,ti,quate
  260. an,tiq,ui,ty
  261. an,tith,e,sis
  262. an,ti,tox,in
  263. a,nus
  264. an,y,bod,y
  265. an,y,thing
  266. a,or,tic
  267. a,part,heid
  268. ap,a,thy
  269. a,pex
  270. a,phe,li,on
  271. aph,ro,dis,i,ac
  272. ap,i,cal
  273. ap,ish
  274. a,poc,a,lypse
  275. ap,o,ge,al
  276. a,pol,o,get,ic
  277. ap,o,logue
  278. a,pos,ta,sy
  279. a,pos,tle,ship
  280. ap,os,troph,ic
  281. ap,o,theg,mat,ic
  282. ap,pall
  283. ap,pa,ra,tus
  284. ap,pa,ri,tion
  285. ap,peal,er
  286. ap,peas,a,ble
  287. ap,peas,ing,ly
  288. ap,pel,la,tive
  289. ap,pen,dec,to,my
  290. ap,per,cep,tion
  291. ap,pe,tiz,er
  292. ap,plause
  293. ap,pli,ca,ble
  294. ap,pli,ca,to,ry
  295. ap,point,ee
  296. Ap,po,mat,tox
  297. ap,pos,a,ble
  298. ap,pos,i,tive
  299. ap,praise,ment
  300. ap,pre,ci,ate
  301. ap,pre,ci,a,to,ry
  302. ap,pre,hen,sive
  303. ap,prise
  304. ap,proach,a,ble
  305. ap,pro,pri,at,ing
  306. ap,prov,al
  307. ap,prox,i,mat,ing
  308. a,pri,cot
  309. apse
  310. aq,ua,ma,rine
  311. a,quat,i,cal,ly
  312. aq,ui,line
  313. ar,a,ble
  314. ar,bit,ra,ment
  315. ar,bi,trat,ing
  316. ar,bor
  317. ar,bu,tate
  318. ar,cha,ic
  319. ar,cha,is,tic
  320. arch,di,o,cese
  321. ar,che,o,log,ic
  322. ar,che,type
  323. ar,chi,tec,tur,al
  324. ar,chives
  325. Arc,tu,rus
  326. ar,du,ous
  327. a,re,na
  328. Ar,gonne
  329. ar,gu,ing
  330. a,ri,a
  331. a,ris,en
  332. a,ris,to,crat,ic
  333. ar,ith,met,i,cal
  334. Ar,ling,ton
  335. ar,ma,ture
  336. ar,mi,stice
  337. ar,mored
  338. ar,ni,ca
  339. a,rose
  340. a,rous,ing
  341. ar,raign,ment
  342. ar,rang,ing
  343. ar,rayed
  344. ar,rest
  345. ar,riv,ing
  346. ar,ro,gat,ing
  347. ar,roy,o
  348. ar,son
  349. ar,te,sian
  350. ar,thri,tis
  351. ar,tic,u,lar
  352. ar,tic,u,la,tor
  353. ar,ti,fi,cial
  354. ar,ti,san
  355. ar,tis,ti,cal,ly
  356. Ar,y,an
  357. as,cend,ant
  358. as,cer,tain,a,ble
  359. as,cet,i,cism
  360. as,crip,tion
  361. a,sex,u,al
  362. ash,en
  363. as,i,nin,i,ty
  364. as,par,a,gus
  365. as,perse
  366. as,phal,tic
  367. as,phyx,i,a,tion
  368. as,pi,rate
  369. as,pi,rin
  370. as,sail,ment
  371. as,sas,si,na,tor
  372. as,say
  373. as,say,ing
  374. as,sem,bly
  375. as,sent,ing,ly
  376. as,ser,tive
  377. as,ses,sor
  378. as,si,du,ity
  379. as,sig,na,tion
  380. as,sim,i,la,bil,i,ty
  381. as,sim,i,la,tive
  382. as,sist,er
  383. as,so,ci,at,ing
  384. as,so,nant
  385. as,suage,ment
  386. as,sume
  387. as,sump,tion
  388. as,sur,ed,ly
  389. asth,ma
  390. as,tig,mat,i,cal,ly
  391. as,ton,ish,ing
  392. a,strad,dle
  393. a,stride
  394. as,tro,log,i,cal
  395. as,tro,nom,ic
  396. as,tute
  397. a,sym,met,ric
  398. at,a,vist
  399. at,el,ier
  400. a,the,is,ti,cal,ly
  401. ath,let,i,cal,ly
  402. at,las
  403. at,oll
  404. at,om,ize
  405. a,to,nal,i,ty
  406. a,tro,cious
  407. at,ro,phy
  408. at,tach,ment
  409. at,tain,a,bil,i,ty
  410. at,taint
  411. at,tend
  412. at,ten,tive
  413. at,tes,ta,tion
  414. at,tire,ment
  415. at,tor,ney
  416. at,trac,tion
  417. at,tri,bute (n.)
  418. at,tri,tion
  419. auc,tion
  420. au,di,bil,i,ty
  421. au,di,o
  422. au,di,to,ri,um
  423. aught
  424. aug,ment,a,tive
  425. au,ral
  426. au,ri,cle
  427. aus,pice
  428. aus,ter,i,ty
  429. au,then,tic
  430. au,then,tic,i,ty
  431. au,thor,i,ty
  432. au,thor,iz,ing
  433. au,to,bi,og,ra,phy
  434. au,to,graph
  435. au,tom,a,tism
  436. au,to,nom,ic
  437. au,top,sy
  438. aux,il,ia,ry
  439. av,a,lanche
  440. a,venged
  441. av,er,age
  442. a,ver,sion
  443. a,vi,ar,y
  444. a,vid,i,ty
  445. a,void,a,ble
  446. av,oir,du,pois
  447. a,vun,cu,lar
  448. a,wak,en,ing
  449. a,way
  450. aw,ful,ly
  451. a,wry
  452. ax,il,lar,y
  453. a,zal,ea
  454. az,ure
  455. bab,bling
  456. ba,bush,ka
  457. Bab,y,lon
  458. bac,ca,rat
  459. bac,chan,te
  460. ba,cil,li
  461. back,bone
  462. back,field
  463. back,hand
  464. back,log
  465. back,stage
  466. back,ward
  467. bac,te,ri,a
  468. bac,te,ri,o,log,i,cal
  469. bac,te,ri,um
  470. bad,i,nage
  471. baf,fle,ment
  472. bag,gage
  473. bag,gy
  474. ba,guette
  475. bails,man
  476. bak,er
  477. bal,ance
  478. bal,co,ny
  479. baled
  480. Ba,li,nese
  481. balk,ing
  482. bal,le,ri,na
  483. bal,loon
  484. ball,room
  485. bal,sa
  486. bal,us,trade
  487. bam,boo,zler
  488. ba,nan,a
  489. band,box
  490. ban,dit
  491. bands,man
  492. ban,dy,ing
  493. ban,ish,ment
  494. bank,er
  495. banned
  496. ban,quet
  497. ban,yan
  498. Bap,tist
  499. bap,tiz,ing
  500. bar,bar,i,cal,ly
  501. bar,ba,rous
  502. bar,ber,shop
  503. bar,ca,role
  504. bare,boat
  505. bare,hand,ed
  506. bare,ness
  507. barge
  508. bar,i,tone
  509. bar,ley
  510. barn,yard
  511. bar,on
  512. bar,o,ny
  513. ba,rouche
  514. bar,ra,trous
  515. bar,rette
  516. bar,ring
  517. bar,tender
  518. bas,al,ly
  519. base,born
  520. ba,ses
  521. bas,i,lar
  522. bas,ing
  523. bas,ket,ball
  524. bas,set
  525. bas,soon,ist
  526. baste
  527. bas,tion
  528. bath
  529. bath,house
  530. bath,room
  531. ba,tiste
  532. bat,ter
  533. bat,tle,field
  534. bau,ble
  535. bawd,y
  536. Ba,yonne
  537. beach
  538. bead,ed
  539. bea,gle
  540. beam,less
  541. bear,er
  542. beast,li,ness
  543. be,a,tif,ic
  544. beat,ing
  545. beau,ti,fi,er
  546. beaux-arts
  547. be,cause
  548. be,come
  549. be,daz,zling
  550. bed,ded
  551. be,dev,il,ment
  552. be,di,zen
  553. be,drag,gle
  554. bed,side
  555. beech
  556. beef,steak
  557. Be,el,ze,bub
  558. beet
  559. be,fall
  560. be,fit,ting,ly
  561. be,fore
  562. be,fud,dle
  563. beg,gar,li,ness
  564. be,gin,ner
  565. be,got,ten
  566. be,guil,er
  567. be,haved
  568. be,head,ed
  569. be,hind
  570. beige
  571. be,jew,eled
  572. be,lea,guer
  573. Bel,gian
  574. be,liev,a,ble
  575. be,lit,tle
  576. belles-let,tres
  577. bel,lig,er,ence
  578. bel,ly
  579. be,low
  580. be,met,al,lism
  581. be,moan,ing
  582. bend,ing
  583. ben,e,dic,to,ry
  584. ben,e,fice
  585. ben,e,fi,ci,a,ry
  586. be,nev,o,lent
  587. be,nig,nan,cy
  588. ben,zene
  589. be,queath
  590. be,rat,ing
  591. be,ret
  592. ber,ry
  593. be,ryl,li,um
  594. be,set
  595. be,sieg,er
  596. be,sot
  597. bes,tial
  598. be,stow,a,ble
  599. be,tel
  600. be,times
  601. be,tray,er
  602. be,troth,ment
  603. be,twixt
  604. bev,el,ing
  605. be,wail,ing
  606. be,wil,dered,ly
  607. be,witch,ing
  608. bi,an,nu,al
  609. bi,as,ing
  610. Bib,li,cal
  611. bib,li,o,ma,ni,a
  612. bi,car,bo,nate
  613. bi,chlo,ride
  614. bi,cy,cle
  615. bid,der
  616. bid,ing
  617. bi,fo,cal
  618. big,a,mous
  619. big,ot,ed
  620. bi,la,bi,al
  621. bil,i,ar,y
  622. bil,ious,ly
  623. bil,let
  624. bil,liards
  625. bil,lionth
  626. bi,me,tal,lic
  627. bind,er
  628. bin,na,cle
  629. bi,o,chem,ist
  630. bi,o,graph,ic
  631. bi,ol,o,gist
  632. bi,par,ti,san
  633. bi,plane
  634. birth
  635. birth,rate
  636. bi,sect
  637. bish,op
  638. bisque
  639. bit,ing
  640. bit,ter,root
  641. bi,tu,mi,noid
  642. bi,valve
  643. biv,ou,ack,ing
  644. blab,ber
  645. black,bird
  646. black,er
  647. black,head
  648. black,ly
  649. blad,der
  650. blame,ful
  651. blanch
  652. blan,dish,ment
  653. blare
  654. blas,phem,er
  655. blast,ed
  656. bla,tant
  657. blaz,ing
  658. bleak
  659. bleat,ing
  660. blend,ing
  661. blight
  662. blind,ly
  663. bliss,ful
  664. bliz,zard
  665. block,ade
  666. block,head
  667. blond,ness
  668. blood,less
  669. blood,shot
  670. blood,thirst,i,ly
  671. bloom,ing,ly
  672. blot,less
  673. blow,er
  674. blow,out
  675. blow,y
  676. bludg,eon
  677. blue,bell
  678. blue,jay
  679. blu,ing
  680. blun,der,er
  681. blurred
  682. blushed
  683. blus,ter,ous
  684. board,er
  685. boast,ful
  686. boat,load
  687. bob,bing
  688. bob,sled
  689. bod,ice
  690. bod,y,guard
  691. bog,gish
  692. Bo,he,mi,a
  693. bois,ter,ous
  694. bo,le,ro
  695. Bol,she,vik
  696. bomb
  697. bom,bas,tic
  698. bomb,sight
  699. bon,bon
  700. bonds,man
  701. bon,fire
  702. bon,net
  703. bon,y
  704. book,bind,er
  705. book,ish
  706. book,mak,er
  707. book,sell,er
  708. boom,er,ang
  709. boot,black
  710. boot,leg
  711. booze
  712. bor,der
  713. bo,re,al
  714. bor,ing
  715. bor,ough
  716. Bos,po,rus
  717. bo,sun
  718. botch
  719. both,